Shubha Joshi

Mar 20, 20193 min

Are you too into Hustle Porn?

It was Reddit’s Co-founder, Alexis Ohanian who coined the term ’Hustle porn’. No, I’m not going to talk anything base here. Neither do I intend to arouse any sexual desires through this article whatsoever. You must be wondering, what is ‘Hustle Porn’ then!. Hustle Porn is a term assigned to an unhealthy practice being followed by entrepreneurs these days in which they believe that the more they sacrifice towards their work the more successful they’ll become. They tend to overlook their family needs, their health, and other things in life that otherwise lead to a happier and more successful existence.

Hustling or hard work is indeed the prerequisite in any business, however, too much of it can be as detrimental as not doing it at all. Let me put it this way, how do you define success? Would you be able to taste the sweetness of success if you aren’t happy? Some people may say “I work hard, I earn more money, and that’s how I feel successful”, and to such people, I ask,” Do you feel happy alone sitting with that money, or do you want to spend it on people you love, gain experience through travel, be with friends?” The answer, of course, is one that we all know. The basic aim of any human on Earth is to be happy. Apple Co-founder Steve Wozniak once said, “ I don’t want that kind of care in my life. Part of my happiness is not to have worries.” My point is that you need to get out of the toxic cycle of hustle porn, stop worrying, and start enjoying what’s around.

1. Wake up early- Study proves that most successful people are early-rises as it helps them plan their day properly. Where Time Cook, CEO of Apple wakes up at 3:45 am, Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group also rises early around 5:45 am. Successful individuals believe that rising early gives a kick start to the day, allows them to finish out tasks much before the world has even risen. Benjamin Franklin too was an advocate for the same. He was the one who said, “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a person healthy wealthy and wise”

2. Sleep enough- A good 7–9 hours of sleep is supposed to be necessary for adults. Sleep is involved in healing and repair of your heart and blood vessels. Ongoing sleep deficiency is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke. The reason why ‘Hustle porn’ is critiqued is majorly due to this reason.

3. Spend time with family- Striking a decent balance between your personal and professional life is what sets the equation named ‘success and happiness’ right. Travel, celebrate big and small moments with them. Make it special for them.

4. Measure Results- Sitting before your computer screen for hours doesn’t make you productive. You need to set distinct goals and measure them from time to time. In the case of hustle porn, you are not ‘working smart’ you're only working hard….rather a lot harder than you actually should. The key to this is the next point- Delegation.

5. Delegate & automate- An efficient manager knows how to delegate, whereas an ordinary worker keeps all responsibilities tied to himself. Delegation is a smart way of getting things. Get someone outsourced for regular, or routine type jobs. Invest your precious time making decisions on bigger projects.

6. Re-energize yourself- Exercise, meditate, do yoga, zumba….whatever, but do some exercise that keeps you going. Our body is like a machine. If you don’t use it, you lose it. Which means that if you want the machine to last longer, you need to bring it to use else it is likely to get rusted.

7. Eat healthy food and drink lots of water- People into Hustle porn are the ones who neglect complete diets. They even tend to skip meals. Not having water for hours is another serious problem. Some people even tell me that they forget the intake of water for the whole day. All they sip up is one or two cups of coffee or tea. Detox your body and drink at least 4–5 liters of water daily.

If you’ve been practicing Hustle porn it’s time for you to follow the above cardinal rules to an untroubled life. Being happy is the ultimate goal of one’s life. Enjoy each and every moment- be it personal or professional. Working for long hours may satisfy you momentarily, however, in the long run, you’ll realize what you’ve missed out- Relationships, health, peacefulness…and a lot more. Don’t fall for Hustle Porn. Work Smart, Live happy!
